Anonymous Studio _ All Rights Reserved.


SPSU Gallery - Alexandria

Atlanta, GA

August 2010

ANONYMOUS STUDIO proposes a light 1000 sf canopy for the SPSU Gallery, the purpose of which is to engage students as they come to start a new year. After its initial installation as a plain canvas, students are encouraged to change the tiles in the installation by replacing elements with those of information. This proposal is to celebrate materiality and an adjunct to the new material library.

ALEXANDRIA seeks to employ digital fabrication techniques and responsive conditions to create a physically and discursively interactive installation. ALEXANDRIA utilizes a simple conical figure emphasizing its place in the room and transitioning from a canopy system into an object in the space. Hovering inches from the floor, ALEXANDRIA suspends itself in the space and refuse to acknowledge its relationship with the ground. The symbolic disillusionment with the political datum of the ground relinquishes ALEXANDRIA from prescriptive idealizations. ALEXANDRIA will not be tainted by agendas but will be appropriated but those who are most likely to contribute to it.

ALEXANRIA is a recursive element meant to become a repository of current work occurring at SPSU. Each panel of the surface is intentionally documented and easily producible in order to allow the students to participate in the layering of their projects onto the frame of ALEXANDRIA. It will be a place of storing and retrieving the ongoing studio work that occurs concurrent with its lifespan.

Upon entering into the space, the surface is fully opaque. This lends itself to the presentation of student work. As you transition to the far side of the piece, the work of the student fades and the work of the artist appears. The increased opacity, thinner panel coverage, allows the viewer to see the paneled surface behind the students work and creates two surfaces, the surface of the exterior screen element and the reverse surface of the opaque presentation area. This internal/external dilemma is produced with its internality prohibited from occupation, creating an imagined space of occupation surrounded by the amassed knowledge of the higher education system.