Anonymous Studio _ All Rights Reserved.

Rift - Modern Atlanta Exhibition

"Design is Human"

June 2010

Special thanks to

Prashanth Irudayaraj & Sal Lalani

Rift is an experiment that negotiates between dynamic modeling and tangible constructions explored through materiality. As portal into a series of ideas that play with space, light and the individual, Rift challenges notions of the everyday by introducing uniqueness into what was previously seen as void. This curtain is testing deformation and the malleability of the thin plastic after each component was given identical shape via an assistive apparatus.

The whole process was first conceived in a digital realm as a propagation that spans across a surface while simultaneously physical limits of the material were tested and recorded. Results of the physical test revealed of the minimal size of connection needed to support the overall structure at the moment of highest strain. Although extremely brittle as a flat stock, each plastic component gained a degree of flexibility after it was deformed into the tripod shape. This flexibility was enough to push and pull on the overall composition, even folding and rolling as was helpful during installation. While suspended in mid air, the Rift becomes animated as passers first unintentionally bump and then intentionally pull the splitting ends. This springs the Rift to life.
