MOED is the Museum of Enviromental Design. NVC is Newark Visitory Center. Together they act as a threshold between Downtown Newark and Ironbound. This development should be the main point of destination for visitors and residents of Newark. The proposed project is a gateway in itself not only to the city of Newark, but that of New York City. The building should help orient new comers while continuously enlightening those who live nearby.

The vision: The building cascades down towards the river through a continuous ramp, providing an urban condition on Jersey St and one of human scale on the river front. Our vision is of a carpet from the immediate edge of the water that lifts one of its corners to give access to programs of the visitors’ center. Hence, NVC is also an extension of the River Development project as currently proposed. Travelers down the river bend will seamlessly continue into the site and onto the building. They work their way vertically into the sky, learning about cultivation. Their journey concludes with a view towards the Newark as well as New York City in the distance, a 24-hour viewing platform.